sabato 3 novembre 2012



They are Judith, my character of Vampire the masquerade and Mikael, her maker.
This is the birth and death of Judith. The human death and the birth of a vampire.
I hope I have made ​​the noir atmosphere and the feelings.

I used a mixed technique of digital painting and photomanipulation (the background is photomanipulation while the models are almost entirely painted). Are a newbie in this technique, but I like it and I hope to improve!


Models of reference and ispiration are Sasha Pivoarova and Johnny Depp 
Carpet: Thanks to justalittleknotty
Lamp: Thanks to ravenarcana 
Room: Thanks to AreteStock 

Ispiration song:

I died today,
but I'm still breathing,
for now,
I'm broken
You left me standing here,
alone and colder,
I hope that some day soon,
the pain inside will stop
You died today,
but you're still breathing,
in my mind...
I hoped you'd see me,
I hoped you'd understand,
Or crucify me for my failings,
my cruel ambition,
hardly justified,
and the pain inside will stop

Skindive - No More Good Guys 

See it on DeviantArt


Creative Commons License
Some rights reserved. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.

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